Trips Attributes

In this section you will find the available attributes for our Trips data set only.
To see the available attributes for other data sets, read:

As of API V1, we use our new, coherent data attribute naming convention.
Attribute names are determined according to three tiers:

Category – the frame of reference. For example: Vehicle, Mobility, Environment, Driver
Element – a component of the category. For example: Engine (in the Vehicle category), Speed (in the Mobility category)
Specific - a description of the element. For example: Temperature (of the Engine), Average (of the Speed)
Each data attribute is a unique trio, separated by two underscores ("__").

Some examples:
VehicleEngineTemperature - The current temperature of the vehicle's engine
EnvironmentExternalTemperature - The current air temperature level outside of the vehicle (ODB-II-PID:46) in celsius.
MobilitySpeedValue - The vehicle's current speed in Km/h (ODB-II-PID:0D)

attribute_name description type unit_name
location__city__end The GPS geocoding of the city where a trip has ended String string
location__city__start The GPS geocoding of a city where a trip has started String string
location__city__summary The list of cities a vehicle has driven in during a given trip ArrayString array<string>
location__country__end The GPS geocoding of the country where a trip has ended String string
location__country__start The GPS geocoding of a country where a trip has started String string
location__country__summary A list of countries a vehicle has driven in during a given trip ArrayString array<string>
location__latitude__end A vehicle's latitude location at the end of a trip Float deg
location__latitude__start A vehicle's latitude location at the start of a trip Float deg
location__longitude__end The vehicle's longitude location at the end of a trip Float deg
location__longitude__start A vehicle's longitude location at the start of a trip Float deg
location__road__summary The list of roads a vehicle has driven on during a given trip ArrayString array<string>
location__state__end The name of the state where the vehicle trip has ended. Calculated by reverse-geotagging  GPS coordinates. String str
location__state__start The name of the state where the vehicle trip has started. Calculated by reverse-geotagging  GPS coordinates. String str
location__state__summary List of states the vehicle has gone through on its trip. Calculated by reverse-geotagging  GPS coordinates. ArrayString array<string>
location__town__end The town a vehicle has ended its trip in String str
location__town__start The town a vehicle has started its trip in String str
location__town__summary The list of towns a vehicle has driven on during a given trip ArrayString array<string>
location__village__end The village a vehicle has ended its trip in String str
location__village__start The village a vehicle has started its trip in String str
location__village__summary The list of villages a vehicle has driven on during a given trip ArrayString array<string>
manufacturer__category__value The classification of a given vehicle String string
manufacturer__color__value The color of a vehicle String string
manufacturer__fuel_type__value A manufacturer definition of the vehicle's type of fuel String string
manufacturer__make__value The vehicle's make or brand name. String string
manufacturer__model__value The vehicle's model. String string
manufacturer__purchase__country The car's purchase country code. String  
manufacturer__year__value The year the vehicle was manufactured. Integer year
metadata__anonymization__type_name The type of anonymization preformed on the data String string
metadata__identification__trip_id A unique identifier for a given trip String string
metadata__provider__name The name of the provider String string
metadata__quality__end_reason The reason a trip has ceased String str
metadata__quality__ignitions_used The number of ignitions used to determine the start and end time of a trip Integer integer
metadata__quality__score_description A list of attributes with suspicious values and therefore lowers the quality of the trip. ArrayString array<string>
metadata__quality__score_value The level of quality a trip holds, with 0% indicating a low quality trip and 100% indicating a high quality trip. Float percentage
metadata__quality__start_reason The reason a trip has begun String str
metadata__record__count The total amount of points accumulated in a trip Long integer
metadata__record__frequency The average time between transmitted data points within a given trip Float milliseconds
metadata__service_name__first_received The first Otonomo service processing incoming data String  
metadata__time__duration The duration between the start and end of a trip Long milliseconds
metadata__time__end_epoch The end time of a trip (UTC) in Epoch Long epoch
metadata__time__start_epoch The start time of a trip (UTC) in Epoch Long epoch
mobility__distance__aerial The aerial distance between the start and end of a trip Float km
mobility__distance__traveled The total distance of a trip in meters. Float km
mobility__fuel__amount_consumed The total amount of fuel used in a single trip Float liter
mobility__fuel__percentage_consumed The total amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle during a trip Float percentage
mobility__hv_battery__comfort_energy_consumption Electrical energy consumption of the last trip done in comfort mode. Float kWh
mobility__hv_battery__electrical_energy_ratio The percentage of distance driven, on the last trip, using electrical energy. Float percentage
mobility__hv_battery__end_level The vehicles high voltage battery level, in percentage, at the end of the last trip. Float percentage
mobility__hv_battery__recuperated_energy The average recuperated energy in the last driver in KWh per 100 km. Float kWh/100km
mobility__hv_battery__total_energy_consumption Overall electrical energy consumption in the last trip. Float kWh
mobility__odometer__end The odometer reading at the end of a trip Float km
mobility__odometer__start The odometer reading at the start of a trip Float km
mobility__speed__average The average speed a vehicle was driving during a trip in km/h Float km/h
mobility__speed__average_by_distance The average speed of a vehicle during a given trip, calculated by distance / time. Float km/h
mobility__speed__max_by_distance The maximum speed of a vehicle during a given trip, calculated by distance / time per segment Float km/h
mobility__speed__maximum The maximum speed a vehicle was driving during a trip in km/h Float km/h
mobility__speed__minimum The minimum speed a vehicle drove in a single trip Float km/h
vehicle__fuel__capacity The vehicle's fuel tank capacity in liters. Float liter
vehicle__identification__daily_id A vehicle's daily identification number created by otonomo String string
vehicle__identification__otonomo_id A unique vehicle's identification number created by Otonomo String string
vehicle__identification__vin The vehicle's identification number String string