Road Sign Attributes

In this section you will find the available attributes for our Road Sign data set only.
To see the available attributes for other data sets, read:

As of API V1, we use our new, coherent data attribute naming convention.
Attribute names are determined according to three tiers:

Category – the frame of reference. For example: Vehicle, Mobility, Environment, Driver
Element – a component of the category. For example: Engine (in the Vehicle category), Speed (in the Mobility category)
Specific - a description of the element. For example: Temperature (of the Engine), Average (of the Speed)
Each data attribute is a unique trio, separated by two underscores ("__").

Some examples:
VehicleEngineTemperature - The current temperature of the vehicle's engine
EnvironmentExternalTemperature - The current air temperature level outside of the vehicle (ODB-II-PID:46) in celsius.
MobilitySpeedValue - The vehicle's current speed in Km/h (ODB-II-PID:0D)

attribute_name description type unit_name
environment__road__speed_limit The speed limit of the road a vehicle was driving on during a specific point Float  
location__altitude__value The current elevation above sea level of a given point in meters. Float meter
location__city__block_name The name of the city block a vehicle was on during a given point String string
location__city__name The name of the city a vehicle was located in for a given point String deg
location__continent__name The name of the continent a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__country__code The name of the country a vehicle was located in for a given point String deg
location__country__name The name of the country a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__county__name The name of the county a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__district__name The name of the district a vehicle was located during a given point String string
location__farm__name The name of the farm a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__house__address The address of the house a vehicle was located near during a given point String string
location__house__number The numerical address of the house a vehicle was located near during a given point String string
location__island__name The name of the island a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__latitude__sign_value GPS location latitude of a road sign Float deg
location__latitude__value The GPS latitudinal location of a given vehicle in decimal degrees (WGS 84). Float deg
location__longitude__sign_value GPS location longitude of a road sign Float deg
location__longitude__value The GPS longitudinal location of a given vehicle in decimal degrees (WGS 84). Float deg
location__municipality__name The name of the municipality a vehicle was located near during a given point String string
location__neighbourhood__name The name of the neighborhood a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__polygon__geohash A geographic location shortened into letters and digits that represent a specific area. String string
location__quarter__name The name of the quarter a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__region__name The name of the region a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__road__name The name of the road a vehicle was on during a given point String string
location__square__name The name of the square a vehicle was on during a given point String string
location__state__name The name of the state a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__suburb__name The name of the suburb a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__town__name The name of the town a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
location__village__name The name of the village a vehicle was located in during a given point String string
metadata__condition__value The current upkeep of a road sign String  
metadata__dataset__name The ID of the policy (usually the provider's name) String string
metadata__dataset__version The version of the gatekeeper running the policy. String string
metadata__distance__indicator Whether sign distance definition is No/Zero(false) or Yes/Greater than zero(true) Boolean  
metadata__duration__indicator Whether sign duration definition is No/Zero(false) or Yes/Greater than zero(true) Boolean  
metadata__fixed__indicator Whether sign presence is permanent(true) or variable(false) Boolean  
metadata__identification__type Determines exactly what the sign signifies through color, image, and/or statement String  
metadata__ingress_time__gatekeeper The GK timestamp Long epoch
metadata__offset__lateral The left/right offset between the car's position and a traffic sign Float  
metadata__offset__longitudinal The forward offset between the car's position and a traffic sign Float  
metadata__offset__vertical The height offset between the car's position a traffic sign Float  
metadata__position_to_vehicle__value Location of the sign relative to the vehicle. String  
metadata__service_name__first_received The first Otonomo service processing incoming data String  
metadata__sign_location__source The source of the sign longitude and latitude
0 - Otonomo interpolation
1 - provided interpolation
metadata__speed__sign_unit speed unit String  
metadata__subject__reference The area or subject matter that the sign pertains to String  
metadata__time__epoch The exact time of a given point (UTC) in Epoch format Long epoch milliseconds
metadata__vehicle_type__reference Vehicle types to which the sign refers. String  
metadata__zone__indicator Whether sign zone definition is present or not.

0 - not present

1 - present
mobility__heading__angle The angle between the vehicle's direction in comparison to the north in degrees Float deg
mobility__pitch__angle The angle between the tangent of the vehicle's track to the horizon. Float deg
mobility__speed__value The vehicle's current speed in Km/h (ODB-II-PID:0D) Float km/h
vehicle__identification__otonomo_id A unique vehicle's identification number created by Otonomo String string