Attributes: Fleet Points Data Set

Last Updated: 16/03/2022


Please Note

There might be a few changes on the list

Attribute Name Description
location__altitude__value The current elevation above sea level of a given point in meters.
environment__external__temperature The current air temperature level outside of the vehicle (ODB-II-PID:46) in celsius.
vehicle__battery__level The vehicle's battery power level (state of charge)
vehicle__battery__voltage The current measurement of a vehicle's battery voltage.
manufacturer__make__value The vehicle's make or brand name.
manufacturer__model__value The vehicle's model.
manufacturer__year__value The year the vehicle was manufactured.
manufacturer__color__value The color of a vehicle
vehicle__coolant__temperature The temperature of the engine coolant (OBD-II-PID:05) in celsius.
vehicle__fuel__remaining_range An approximated distance a vehicle can drive before running out of fuel in km
vehicle__hv_battery__remaining_range The approximated distance an electric vehicle can drive before running out of battery
mobility__hybrid_power__remaining_range The approximated distance an electric vehicle can drive before all of its power sources shut down
driver_seat_belt_on An indication of whether the driver's seat belt is fastened (true) or not (false)
maintenance__dtc__current_diagnostics The current defined Diagnostic Trouble Codes
vehicle__engine__oil_temperature The measured temperature of the oil in the engine
engine_on True if engine is on, false otherwise
event__accident__front_need_repair Indicates whether the front of the car need repair. 0 - False, 1- True
event__accident__lateral_need_repair Indicates if the lateral of the car need repair. 0 - False, 1 - True
event__accident__pedestrian Indicates if pedestrian was hit by the vehicle. 0 - False, 1 - True
event__accident__rear_need_repair Indicates if the rear of the car need repair. 0 - False , 1 - True
event__accident__tippedover Indicates if the vehicle tippedover. 0 - False, 1 - True
event__accident__status Indicates wheater an accident occurred. 0 - False, 1 - True
f_interior_lights The on/off status of a vehicle's interior front lights
fl_door_status The open-or-closed status of a vehicle's front left door
fr_door_status The open-or-closed status of a vehicle's front right door
vehicle__fuel__amount The current amount of fuel available in the fuel tank in liters.
vehicle__fuel__avg_consumption The vehicle's calculated rate of fuel consumption in percentage/km
vehicle__fuel__level A vehicle's current fuel level expressed in percentages (OBD-II-PID:2F)
vehicle__gear__position The current position of the gear stick
gps_quality The quality level of the GPS location from low to high
location__gps__hdop Horizontal Dilution Of Precision - GPS quality standard.
mobility__heading__angle The angle between the vehicle's direction in comparison to the north in degrees
is_airbag_system_disabled The enabled/disabled status of a vehicle's airbag system
is_traction_control_active The on/off status of a vehicle's Traction Control System
location__latitude__value The GPS latitudinal location of a given vehicle in decimal degrees (WGS 84).
location__longitude__value The GPS longitudinal location of a given vehicle in decimal degrees (WGS 84).
mobility__acceleration__value The forward (positive value) -and-backward (negative value) acceleration of a vehicle in g.
maintenance__brake_fluid__replace_date This date when the brake fluid should be changed in epoch time.
maintenance__exhaust_gas_inspection__month_to_next Indicates how many months before exhaust gas inspection is due, service advisor will be notified.
maintenance__inspection__due_date The due date of the next inspection in epoch time.
maintenance__service__days_to_next The number of days remaining before the next vehicle service is due.
maintenance__service__distance_to_next The remaining distance until next vehicle service is due
maintenance__service__due_date The due date of the next vehicle service, epoch time.
manufacturer__construction__date The construction date of the vehicle
manufacturer__door__number Number of doors
manufacturer__drive__type the vehicle drive (drivetrain) type:
1 - Rear-wheel drive
2 - Front-wheel drive
3 - Four-wheel drive
manufacturer__engine__power Engine's power in Watts
manufacturer__final_inspection__date The final inspection date of the vehicle in UTC
manufacturer__fuel__type The manufacturer definition of the vehicle's type of fuel
1 - Gasoline
2 - Methanol
3 - Ethanol
4 - Diesel
5 - LPG
6 - CNG
7 - Propane
8 - Electric
9 - Bifuel running Gasoline
10 - Bifuel running Methanol
11 - Bifuel running Ethanol
12 - Bifuel running LPG
13 - Bifuel running CNG
14 - Bifuel running Propane
15 - Bifuel running Electricity
16 - Bifuel running electric and combustion engine
17 - Hybrid gasoline
18 - Hybrid Ethanol
19 - Hybrid Diesel
20 - Hybrid Electric
21 - Hybrid running electric and combustion engine
22 - Hybrid Regenerative
23 - Bifuel running diesel
manufacturer__gps__has_navigation indicates if the vehicle has navigation. 0 - False, 1 - True
manufacturer__purchase__country The car's purchase country code.
manufacturer__roof__has_sun_roof Indicates wheatear there's a sun-roof in the vehicle. 0 - False, 1 - True
manufacturer__transmission__type the transmission type of the vehicle
1 - manual
2 - automatic
metadata__identification__license_plate the license plate number of the vehicle
mobility__odometer__value The accumulated distance traveled by a vehicle in km
vehicle__engine__oil_level The percentage of oil remaining in the engine's oil tank
vehicle__identification__otonomo_id A unique vehicle's identification number created by Otonomo
metadata__provider__vehicle_id The provider’s unique identification of the vehicle
r_interior_lights The on/off status of a vehicle's interior rear lights
rl_door_status The open-or-closed status of a vehicle's rear left door
vehicle__engine__rpm The engine's revolutions per minute (OBD-II-PID:0C)
rr_door_status The open-or-closed status of a vehicle's rear right door
mobility__speed__value The vehicle's current speed in Km/h
environment__road__speed_limit The speed limit of the road a vehicle was driving on during a specific point
state_of_charge An electric vehicle's current battery level
metadata__time__epoch The exact time of a given point (UTC) in Epoch format.
vehicle__tire__1_1_pressure The exact amount of tire pressure the vehicle's (i,j) wheel is experiencing.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
vehicle__tire__1_2_pressure The exact amount of tire pressure the vehicle's (i,j) wheel is experiencing.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
vehicle__tire__2_1_pressure The exact amount of tire pressure the vehicle's (i,j) wheel is experiencing.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
vehicle__tire__2_2_pressure The exact amount of tire pressure the vehicle's (i,j) wheel is experiencing.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
trunk_status The open-or-closed status of a vehicle's trunk
vehicle__abs__status An indication of the ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) status.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled - nonactive
2 - active
vehicle__adblue__level the adblue level in the vehicle in percentage
vehicle__brake__pre_wear_warning Determine whether a brake lining wear pre-warning was activated
0 - not active
1 - active
vehicle__charging_plug__status The status of the charging plug.
0 - disconnected.
1 - connected to the vehicle.
vehicle__door__1_1_status The vehicle door status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. E.g. on a typical passenger vehicle, vehicle_door_1_1_status relates to the front-left door.
2 - open
3 - closed
4 - open at a high speed
vehicle__door__1_2_status The vehicle door status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. E.g. on a typical passenger vehicle, vehicle_door_1_1_status relates to the front-left door.
2 - open
3 - closed
4 - open at a high speed
vehicle__door__2_1_status The vehicle door status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. E.g. on a typical passenger vehicle, vehicle_door_1_1_status relates to the front-left door.
2 - open
3 - closed
4 - open at a high speed
vehicle__door__2_2_status The vehicle door status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. E.g. on a typical passenger vehicle, vehicle_door_1_1_status relates to the front-left door.
2 - open
3 - closed
4 - open at a high speed
vehicle__door__central_lock_status Status of the vehicle central lock.
0 - open
1 - locked
2 - vehicle locked internally
3 - vehicle locked externally
4 - vehicle selectively unlocked
5 - vehicle secured
6 - failure
vehicle__door_lock__1_1_status The vehicle door lock status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - open
1 - locked
vehicle__door_lock__1_2_status The vehicle's door lock status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - open
1 - locked
vehicle__door_lock__2_1_status The vehicle's door lock status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - open
1 - locked
vehicle__door_lock__2_2_status The vehicle's door lock status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - open
1 - locked
vehicle__drivetrain__value Type of the Drivetrain:
2 - BEV
3 - HEV
vehicle__emergency_brake_system__status The emergency braking system status.
0 - off
1- warning
2 - active
The following values are a summary of the last 20 seconds:
50 - off and warning
51 - off and active
52 - warning and active
53 - off, warning and active
54 - value not used
55 - value not used and off
56 - value not used and warning
57 - value not used, warning and off
58 - value not used and active
59 - value not used, off and active
60 - value not used, warning and active
61 - value not used, warning, active and off
vehicle__engine__oil_due_date Due date for engine oil
vehicle__engine__oil_remaining_distance Remaining distance in km until engine oil is empty
vehicle__engine__oil_status Service status for engine oil
1- OK
2 - Warning
3 - Critical
vehicle__engine__status Engine status.
0 - not running
1 - starting
2 - running
3 - Engine stopped by the start/stop system
vehicle__esp__status An indication of the ESP (Electronic Stability Control) status.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled - nonactive
2 - active
vehicle__event__accident_call_automatic_date The date indicates when the system detected an accident and triggered automatic call
vehicle__event__accident_call_manual_date The date indicates when the system triggered accidence assistance call after accident detection
vehicle__event__emergency_call_automatic_date The date when the system triggered automatic emergency call
vehicle__event__emergency_call_manual_date The date when the system triggered manual emergency call
vehicle__event__roadside_assistance_call_date Roadside assistance call date
vehicle__fog_light__1_1_status The vehicle fog light status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - closed
1 - open
vehicle__fog_light__1_2_status The vehicle fog light status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - closed
1 - open
vehicle__fog_light__2_1_status The vehicle fog light status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - closed
1 - open
vehicle__fog_light__2_2_status The vehicle fog light status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - closed
1 - open
vehicle__fog_light__front_status The status of a vehicle's front fog lamp
0 - off
1 - on
2 - failure
vehicle__fog_light__rear_status The status of a vehicle's rear fog lamp.
0 - off
1 - on
2 - failure
vehicle__fuel__capacity The vehicle's fuel tank capacity in liters.
vehicle__fuel__tank_door_status The status of a vehicle's fuel tank.
0 - locked
1 - unlocked
vehicle__headlights__status The status of a vehicle's headlights.
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__hood__status Indicates the engine's hood (bonnet) status.
0 - closed
1 - open
vehicle__hv_battery__ac_charging_current The maximum current of the last charging cycle (Alternating current).
vehicle__hv_battery__ac_charging_voltage The Voltage of the last charging cycle (Alternating current).
vehicle__hv_battery__charging_method Vehicle charging current (AC/DC) and plug type.
0 - No Charging
1 - AC Type1 Plug
2 - AC Type2 Plug
vehicle__hv_battery__charging_mode Indicates the charging mode - No,Slow,Quick
vehicle__hv_battery__charging_planned Reports the date and time for the next scheduled EV battery charging, if its plug is connected to the power
vehicle__hv_battery__charging_power current charging power (only valid while charging) in kW
vehicle__hv_battery__charging_remaining_time indicates the time left to fully charge EV HV battery
vehicle__hv_battery__charging_speed_rate indicates the charging speed in KWh
vehicle__hv_battery__charging_status The charging status of a vehicle's (Hybrid or EV) high voltage battery
0 - not charging
1 - charging while driving - regenerative brake
2 - charging at a charging station
vehicle__hv_battery__level HV (high voltage) battery level in percentage
vehicle__ignition__status Ignition status. (state of the Ignition switch)
0 - Lock/Off turn the engine off, keys can be removed only in this state
1 - Accessory. The vehicle systems receive energy from the battery, the engine is off.
2 - On/Run - the engine is on
3 - start - ignition event (cranking the engine)
4 - initialization
5 - failure
vehicle__indication_light__1_1_tire_pressure The tire pressure warning status of the vehicle's (i,j) wheel. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. 0- flat tire 1 - low pressure warning 2 - no warning 3 - sensor failure
vehicle__indication_light__1_1_sidelight_status An indication of the sidelight status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - closed 1- open
vehicle__indication_light__1_2_tire_pressure The tire pressure warning status of the vehicle's (i,j) wheel. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. 0- flat tire 1 - low pressure warning 2 - no warning 3 - sensor failure
vehicle__indication_light__1_2_sidelight_status An indication of the sidelight status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - closed 1- open
vehicle__indication_light__2_1_tire_pressure The tire pressure warning status of the vehicle's (i,j) wheel. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. 0- flat tire 1 - low pressure warning 2 - no warning 3 - sensor failure
vehicle__indication_light__2_1_sidelight_status An indication of the sidelight status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - closed 1- open
vehicle__indication_light__2_2_tire_pressure The tire pressure warning status of the vehicle's (i,j) wheel. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left. 0- flat tire 1 - low pressure warning 2 - no warning 3 - sensor failure
vehicle__indication_light__2_2_sidelight_status An indication of the sidelight status. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - closed 1- open
vehicle__indication_light__adblue_level The status of the adblue level warning 0 - inactive 1 - active
vehicle__indication_light__battery_level Indicates whether low battery warning is active/inactive 0 - inactive 1 - active 2 - sensor failure
vehicle__indication_light__brake_fluid_level Describes the status of the brake fluid level warning 0 - inactive 1 - active
vehicle__indication_light__brake_pre_wear Determine whether a brake lining wear pre-warning was activated 0 - not active 1 - active
vehicle__indication_light__brake_wear Indicates whether brake lining wear warning is active/inactive 0 - inactive 1 - excessive wear 2- pre-warning 3- warning
vehicle__indication_light__coolant_level Indicates whether the coolant level warning is active/inactive 0 - inactive 1 - active
vehicle__indication_light__coolant_temperature The status of a vehicle's coolant warning light.
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__indication_light__fuel_level Indicates whether the fuel level warning is active/inactive 0 - inactive 1 - active
vehicle__indication_light__mil The status of the check engine light (MIL alert).
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__indication_light__oil_level The status of a vehicle's oil level warning light.
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__indication_light__oil_maintenance The status of a vehicle's oil maintenance warning light.
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__indication_light__oil_pressure The status of a vehicle's oil pressure warning light
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__indication_light__oil_temperature Oil temperature indication light. 0- closed 1-open
vehicle__indication_light__power_steering The status of a vehicle's electric power steering warning light.
0 - off
1 - on
2- failure
vehicle__indication_light__tire_pressure The status of a vehicle's tire pressure warning light.
0 - off
1 - low pressure warning
2 - flat tire
3- failure
vehicle__indication_light__washer_fluid Indicates whether wash fluid warning is active/inactive 0 - inactive 1 - active
vehicle__infotainment__navigation_free_poi The amounts of POIs (points of interest) are still open in the navigation system.
vehicle__infotainment__navigation_max_poi This amount of POIs (points of interest) that can be stored in the navigation system
vehicle__lane_assist__left_status Left lane keep assist.
0 - Keep assist system is off
1 - Keep assist system is on, but unavailable (due to road condition for example)
2 - Keep assist system is on
3 - Active. Correction in progress
The following values are a summary of the last 20 seconds:
50 - Keep assist was off and unavailable
51 - Keep assist was on and off
52 - Keep assist was on, unavailable and on again
53 - Keep assist was on, unavailable and off
54 - Keep assist was off and active
55 - Keep assist was on, unavailable and active
56 - Keep assist was on, unavailable, active and off
57 - Keep assist was on and active
58 - Keep assist was off, on and active
59 - Keep assist was on, unavailable, on and active
60 - Keep assist was off, on, unavailable, on and active
vehicle__lane_assist__right_status Right lane keep assist.
0 - Keep assist system is off
1 - Keep assist system is on, but unavailable (due to road condition for example)
2 - Keep assist system is on
3 - Active. Correction in progress
The following values are a summary of the last 20 seconds:
50 - Keep assist was off and unavailable
51 - Keep assist was on and off
52 - Keep assist was on, unavailable and on again
53 - Keep assist was on, unavailable and off
54 - Keep assist was off and active
55 - Keep assist was on, unavailable and active
56 - Keep assist was on, unavailable, active and off
57 - Keep assist was on and active
58 - Keep assist was off, on and active
59 - Keep assist was on, unavailable, on and active
60 - Keep assist was off, on, unavailable, on and active
vehicle__light_switch__status the current status of the vehicles rotary light switch

1 - Automatic
2 - Dipped Headlights
3 - Right parking light
4 - Left parking light
5 - Sidelights
vehicle__parking_brake__status The status of the hand/parking brake.
0 - off
1- on
vehicle__reading_light__1_1_status The status of a vehicle's reading lamp. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__reading_light__1_2_status The status of a vehicle's reading lamp. The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - off
1 - on
vehicle__reading_light__rear_status the status of the rear reading lights

0 - off
1 - on
deprecated_vehicle__reverse_light__left_status Indicate the status of the left reverse light. 0 - closed 1- open 2 - sensor failure
vehicle__roof__convertible_status The status of a vehicle's convertible top.
0 - closed and locked
1 - unlocked
2 - open and locked
vehicle__roof__sunroof_status The status of a vehicle's sunroof.
0 - Closed
1 - Open
2 - Sunroof is tilted-open
3 - Sunroof is running
4 - Sunroof in anti-wobble position
5 - Sunroof in an intermediate sliding position
6 - Sunroof in an intermediate tilted position
7 - Invalid
vehicle__seat_belt__1_2_status An indication of whether the seat belt is fastened.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - not fastened
1 - fastened
vehicle__seat_belt__2_1_status An indication of whether the seat belt is fastened.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - not fastened
1 - fastened
vehicle__seat_belt__2_2_status An indication of whether the seat belt is fastened.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - not fastened
1 - fastened
vehicle__seat_belt__2_3_status An indication of whether the seat belt is fastened.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and the j-th column starting from (1,1) for the top left.
0 - not fastened
1 - fastened
vehicle__trunk__status The status of a vehicle's trunk (boot).
0 - locked
1 - closed unlocked
2 - open
3 - open at a high speed
vehicle__trunk__window_status Indicate the trunk's window status.
0 - closed
1 - open
vehicle__window__1_1_status The status of a vehicle's (i,j) window.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - Intermediate position
1 - Opened
2 - Closed
3 - Airing position
4 - Intermediate, airing position
5 - Currently running
vehicle__window__1_2_status The status of a vehicle's (i,j) window.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - Intermediate position
1 - Opened
2 - Closed
3 - Airing position
4 - Intermediate, airing position
5 - Currently running
vehicle__window__2_1_status The status of a vehicle's (i,j) window.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) top left.
0 - Intermediate position
1 - Opened
2 - Closed
3 - Airing position
4 - Intermediate, airing position
5 - Currently running
vehicle__window__2_2_status The status of a vehicle's (i,j) window.
The (i_j) notation refers to the i-th row and j-th column starting from (1,1) for top left.
0 - Intermediate position
1 - Opened
2 - Closed
3 - Airing position
4 - Intermediate, airing position
5 - Currently running
vehicle__identification__descriptor A portion of the vehicle identification number
vehicle__identification__vin The vehicle's identification number
mobility__acceleration__lateral The right (positive value) -and-left (negative value) acceleration of a vehicle in g.
location__road__speed_limit The road speed limit of the current vehicle position in km/h