Average Speed: Calculated Fields

Calculated Field Description
metadata__time__start_epoch The start time of the generated report (UTC) in Epoch
metadata__time__end_epoch The end time of the generated report (UTC) in Epoch
metadata__records__count The accounted metadata records of the corresponding geography and time
metadata__otonomo_id__count The accounted otonomo ids of the corresponding geography and time
mobility__average_speed__value The calculated speed of the corresponding geography and time
mobility__average_speed__stdev The calculated standard deviation of the average speed of the corresponding geography and time
mobility__average_heading__value The calculated average heading of the vehicles in the corresponding geography and time
location__road__name The name of the road a vehicle was on during a given point
location__polygon__wkt The selected geography represented by a Polygon (from input)
environment__total_segment__length The calculated length of the selected geography (in km)