Attributes: Fleet Trips Data Set

Attribute NameDescription
location__city__endThe GPS geocoding of the city where a trip has ended
location__city__startThe GPS geocoding of a city where a trip has started
location__country__endThe GPS geocoding of the country where a trip has ended
location__country__startThe GPS geocoding of a country where a trip has started
location__latitude__endA vehicle's latitude location at the end of a trip
location__latitude__startA vehicle's latitude location at the start of a trip
location__latitude__startA vehicle's latitude location at the start of a trip
location__longitude__endThe vehicle's longitude location at the end of a trip
location__state__endThe name of the state where the vehicle trip has ended. Calculated by reverse-geotagging GPS coordinates.
location__state__startThe name of the state where the vehicle trip has started. Calculated by reverse-geotagging GPS coordinates.
location__state__startThe name of the state where the vehicle trip has started. Calculated by reverse-geotagging GPS coordinates.
location__town__endThe town a vehicle has ended its trip in
location__town__startThe town a vehicle has started its trip in
location__village__endThe village a vehicle has ended its trip in
location__village__startThe village a vehicle has started its trip in
manufacturer__category__valueThe classification of a given vehicle
manufacturer__fuel_type__valueA manufacturer definition of the vehicle's type of fuel
manufacturer__make__valueThe vehicle's make or brand name.
manufacturer__model__valueThe vehicle's model.
manufacturer__year__valueThe year the vehicle was manufactured.
metadata__record__countThe total amount of points accumulated in a trip
metadata__record__frequencyThe average time between transmitted data points within a given trip
metadata__time__durationThe duration between the start and end of a trip
metadata__time__end_epochThe end time of a trip (UTC) in Epoch
metadata__time__start_epochThe start time of a trip (UTC) in Epoch
metadata__reason_for_selection__geographic_filterIndicates the reason for which a trip was included in report: whether trip was selected because observations were at start, at end, or passed through the selected geography.
mobility__distance__aerialThe aerial distance between the start and end of a trip
mobility__odometer__endThe odometer reading at the end of a trip
mobility__odometer__startThe odometer reading at the start of a trip
mobility__speed__averageThe average speed a vehicle was driving during a trip in km/h
mobility__speed__average_by_distanceThe average speed of a vehicle during a given trip, calculated by distance / time.
mobility__speed__max_by_distanceThe maximum speed of a vehicle during a given trip, calculated by distance / time per segment
mobility__speed__maximumThe maximum speed a vehicle was driving during a trip in km/h
mobility__speed__minimumThe minimum speed a vehicle drove in a single trip
vehicle__fuel__capacityThe vehicle's fuel tank capacity in liters.
vehicle__identification__otonomo_idA unique vehicle's identification number created by Otonomo